

发布时间: 2024-05-17 13:35:19北京青年报社官方账号





Analysts said that trading Treasury bond futures will allow banks and insurers to effectively manage interest rate risks as their operations have seen rising challenges amid the low interest rate environment. They added that bond futures will provide an important trading strategy for banks and insurers and help maintain the overall stability of the country's financial system.


And here's the remarkable thing: Of the ancient seeds they tested, all were genetically related to the grapes we grow and drink today. Almost 60% were within one or two generations of modern varieties and, in at least one case, researchers discovered evidence suggesting consumers are drinking wine from the same grapes, or a direct relative, as a medieval Frenchman did 900 years ago. It's the rare "savagnin" blanc (not today's sauvignon) – a light, floral style grown in eastern France.


Analysts said the authorities still have room to adopt a more accommodative policy stance in the second half of the year, and additional monetary easing measures could include a relaxation of loan quotas.


And in a sign of significant change, this year, for the first time, a majority of US consumers — 54 percent — say they will do the bulk of their holiday shopping online, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers.


And, of course, the uncertainties over U.S.-China relations under the Trump administration are ever present for those working with companies on both sides of the Great Wall. If China figures out a more direct way to place tariffs on cloud computing, or if young Chinese technology workers educated by U.S. universities decide to come back home in greater numbers than they currently do, the competitive balance could shift even faster.


